Ed Miliband, has been named as the fourth most powerful person in Doncaster - local politicians behind and pop star One Direction Louis Tomlinson.
The Doncaster Free Press list that they believe are the top 50 most important people of the city (??), and only made the man who aspires to become prime minister in May at number four.

The document, which describes the classification as "no scientific way," says Miliband's position was actually two more than last year, meaning it was ranked only number six in 2014.
Miliband, MP for Doncaster North will probably have to wait more than voters in May backing.
Singer Tomlinson had a fall from his perch number two in 2014, and entered at number three. Still one place above the man who would be prepared to lead the country.
Mayor Ros Jones topped the list, while the Chief Council Jo Miller was number two.
A place below Miliband was editor in chief of newspapers South Yorkshire, Chris Burton.
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